The Spot for the newest movies

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Plot: Edward Norton is always fascinating to watch–something slippery always lingers behind his eyes. In Stone, Norton plays a convicted arsonist nicknamed Stone who’s desperate to persuade his parole officer, Jack Mabry (Robert De Niro), to argue for his early release–so desperate that he asks his wife, Lucetta (Milla Jovovich, The Fifth Element), to seduce Mabry. But while these machinations play out, Stone starts having a spiritual awakening … or is this another attempt at manipulation? Director John Curran and Norton worked together previously on The Painted Veil, and they clearly have a rapport: Norton’s performance is fluid and sinuous, working its way into Mabry’s consciousness and, potentially, the audience’s. De Niro is, of course, solid, though he projects such a steely will that it’s difficult to accept him as a man who succumbs to base appetites. Writer Angus MacLachlan wrote the luminous Junebug; while Stone doesn’t manage the same rich humanity–despite the excellent acting by all involved, the story feels cramped and schematic–there are strong passages. But fundamentally, it’s Norton who makes the movie worth watching; even the scenes he’s not in feel like they’re about him, how his influence ripples out into the people around him.

Genre: Drama | Thriller
IMDB rating: 6.1/10 (3,199 votes)
Directed by: John Curran
Starring: Robert De Niro, Milla Jovovich, Edward Norton

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