The film is the result of 2 ½ years of traveling and research by Marcus Freudenmann, and his wife Sabrina. Motivated by the death of a friend from cancer, the couple visited natural treatment centers in Australia, Germany, Mexico and the United states. Among the doctors interviewed are Leigh Erin Connealy, Adem Günes and Charlotte Gerson from the Gerson Institute.
With 31 leading global cancer experts, scientists, doctors and authors, “Cancer is Curable NOW” is the most comprehensive and conclusive documentary about cancer and holistic cancer treatments ever made.
Additional to a multitude of physical and dietary treatments this groundbreaking documentary uncovers the various problems, physical and emotional that promote and cause cancer. “Find the CAUSE, remove it, and your body will heal”
Includes 3 e-books in PDF on alternative cancer treatment:
*Cancer is Curable!
*Food Matters Detox and Rejuvenation Guide
*Cancer Breakthrough USA